If you are reading this take a moment to thank God for bringing you to the new year. I know this is normally a time when people decide to better themselves and their circumstances but this year I challenge you to do so each day. When you fall don't wait until tomorrow, Monday or next year to start again, start a new in the next moment. I once heard a quote that said the only real time we have is now. We plan alot for the future and dwell alot on the past but the only time that is ours is NOW. Since hearing that I have truly been meditating on the deepness of that. I challenge you to do the same!
With the new year upon us what do you plan to do in your couponing life? Are you a member of Swagbucks? Recyclebank? SuperPoints? If not and you want to join check out the links below.
Swagbucks is a search engine much like Yahoo! or Google however while searching you have the chance of earning "bucks". You can also earn points from using their toolbar, watching videos, and playing games. Through the accumulation of "swagbucks" you can cash them in to earn cool prizes such as Paypal cash or Amazon e-cards. There is also an option to donate money to a charity of your choice!
I have heard about Recycle bank for a while but just joined last night and I love it already. You earn points by making pledges to be more eco friendly. Last night I made the pledge to take shorter showers and to turn off the water when shampooing my hair. These 2 pledges earned me 20 points. My goal is to earn enough points to redeem some cool, high value coupons! I am still new to this so join now and we can learn together!!
Check out this article for a better understanding of what Superpoints are and how it works
Here are 5 invites if you don't get one of these please let me know and i'll get you another one ASAP
1. http://superpoints.com/wrpgs/scnhvf
2 http://superpoints.com/wrpgs/lqs8rg
3. http://superpoints.com/wrpgs/eqlq64
4. http://superpoints.com/wrpgs/t5ovcl
5. http://superpoints.com/wrpgs/gda59i
I pray that this new year brings you greater savings and more deals! I love you all!! Let the New Year begin!!
If there is anything you want to see 2KouponingKs do please shoot us an email and we will do our very best to accommodate or put you in touch with someone who does it!
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